Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Role America's Federal Reserve Played in Contributing to the Essay

The Role America's Federal Reserve Played in Contributing to the Actions Leading to the 2008 Financial Crises - Essay Example While the Federal Reserve is a cornerstone institution of the United States, critics have argued that in the long-term the Fed is actually bad for the economy. This research evaluates the extent that the Federal Reserve contributed to the actions leading to the 2008 financial crises. Analysis One of the most prominent critics of the Federal Reserve has been former Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Paul’s perspective follows a line of logic that is directly related to the way the Fed functions. Paul indicates that when the American economy is lagging the Federal Reserve infuses new currency into the system. This new currency results in lowered interest rates. The lowered interest rates correspondingly result in capitalist expansion, as business and individuals increasingly engage in borrowing practices. The problem, as Paul indicates, is that such practices are artificial and don’t reflect the economies’ true and proper functioning. Paul has seminally no ted, â€Å"When central banks like the Fed manage money they are engaging in price fixing, which leads not to prosperity but to disaster† (Paul 2011). ... Kibbe (2011) argues that many Austrian economists predicted the 2008 financial crisis. Kibbe contrasts the Keynesian school of economics, which attempts to implement mathematical models in predicting future economic movements, with the Austrian school that argues later economic shifts can only be understood by examining human behavior. Similar to Ron Paul, Kibbe makes a number of sensational statements regarding the impact the Federal Reserve had on the financial crisis. In both perspectives their criticism is less about specific policy measures the Fed took, but rather with the entire existence of the Fed; as such, they believe that any actions this institution makes is ultimately bad for the economy. Just like Paul, Kibbe (2011) notes, â€Å"we would not experience such dramatic economic swings were it not for monetary policies that distort real prices and encourage improper investment decisions. Boom and bust cycles are inevitable when government interventions confuse market part icipants.† When one couples Kibbe’s perspective regarding boom and busts with statements made by the United States government leading up to the financial meltdown startling consideration emerges. For instance, he notes that Treasury Secretary Paulson said in 2007 that the global economy was at the strongest he had seen it in his career. Additionally, he states â€Å"Between 2001 and 2004, the Federal Reserve injected new credit into the economy, pushing interest rates to their lowest level since the late 1970s. As a result, the economy was booming just a few short years ago† (Kibbe 2011). Still, one recognizes that Kibbe provides little empirical evidence for the predictions of the Austrian economists against the failure of the Keynesian predictive models.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organic Food Speech Essay Example for Free

Organic Food Speech Essay I have a question for you at the beginning of this speech. Who just eat organic food everyday? Obviously! According my research, which I gave the question to my friends. Most of them know about organic food, but only few of them just eat organic food which including the vegetable, meat and eggs and other people don’t take it seriously and eat fast food always. What is organic food? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that animals raised on an organic operation must be fed organic feed and given access to the outdoors. They are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic crops are raised without using most conventional pesticides and using no petroleum-based or sewage-sludge-based fertilizers. Do organic and natural mean the same thing? And four main reasons to choice organic food! No, natural and organic are not same. You may see natural†, â€Å"all natural, free-range or hormone-free on food labels. These descriptions must be truthful, but dont mean they are organic. Only foods that are grown and processed according to USDA organic standards can be labeled organic. According to USDA: Organic food such as fruits, vegetables and meat can make people become healthier and organic farming can protect the environment. Choice organic vegetable! The picture for strawberry: On the right is non-organic and left is organic. For the picture down: one the right is non-organic and the left is organic. Normally, non-organic fruit or vegetable will grow faster and taste not as good as organic food. For the last picture: the right side is organic egg and left side is non-organic. The reason why the color is different is because organic chicken also eats organic feed. Choice organic meat! We also need to choice organic meet. From the picture we see. Organic Meat Comes from Animals Treated Ethically and Humanely. The organic farming looks cleaner and animal form there lives healthier. Here are some of the reasons why you should buy organic animal products. 1. Organic meat comes from animals that were given a pesticide-free diet. 2. These animals may have had some limited access to pasture. 3. They were not loaded with antibiotics, steroids and other poisons. 4. Organic meat has not been irradiated. Therefore, organic meat is not loaded with toxins–that are subsequently passed on to you when you eat them–like conventional meat is. Health and money which one you prefer: Non-organic food can cause lots of disease. Even the organic food is expensive; there is nothing important than our lives and our family’s health. According to the research from Organic Liaison: Because factory-fed cattle eat the ground-up remains of their SAME SPECIES, this can cause mad cow disease, destroying a humans central nervous system and brain. Also the animal, which grows up in dirty environment, can cause many parasitic disease and diarrhea. Studies also show that grass-fed beef contains more nutritional value, including higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Here is another new research from Maryland University: Non-organic Chicken has one kind bacterium, which is resistant to modern medicine. This kind of bacteria that can cause serious and unpleasant disease that becomes a lot harder to cure. Conclusion: We know that eating organic fruits, vegetables, and other produce is the way to go. Its healthier, it tastes better, and it doesnt have any nasty toxins or chemicals. Healthy and happy life cannot live without organic food. Now let us choice organic food!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Basic Concepts Of Phytoremediation Environmental Sciences Essay

Basic Concepts Of Phytoremediation Environmental Sciences Essay Contamination of soil in oil refinery has been an environmental issue of modern industrialization in many countries. The main reason for this contamination is the contaminated products generated during the activities associated with purifying and refining petroleum in oil refinery. Those activities including distillation, chemical treatment, product transfer and storage and so on are the contributors of the contaminants. These consist of the petroleum hydrocarbons, asbestos, metals, some inorganic compounds and etc[1]. There are a lot of effective remediation technologies such as pump-and-treat (PAT), soil washing, thermal desorption, bioremediation and etc. However, some of them are causing inhibition of soil fertility or even destruction to ecosystem. Therefore, this encourages my evaluation on phytoremediation- a variation of bioremediation which has been an emerging technology for remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons since late 1990s[2]. Phytoremediation is a cost-effective in-situ treatment which uses up vegetation to clean up the petroleum-contaminated soils and groundwater. In general, it is to utilize the ability of the special plants roots associated bacteria to take up, accumulate, and breakdown the contaminants (e.g. TPHs) located in soils and ground water[3](Figure1). This technology is more suitable for: (a) large sites with shallow contaminants where only polishing treatment is required; and (b) the sites where vegetation is used as a final cap and closure of the site[4]. Figure 1 Basic concepts of phytoremediation 2. Mechanisms There are seven mechanisms of phytoremediation: phytoextraction, rhizofiltration, phytovolatilization, phytostabilization phytodegradation, hydraulic control and rhizodegradation. They can be described as follows: Phytoextraction This is also known as phytoaccumulation. It aims to utilize plant roots in order to uptake and translocate the metal contaminants in the soil into the above ground portions of the plants[5]. The plants absorb, concentrate, and precipitate the toxic metals from the soils into shoots, leaves, etc. (Fig. 1)[6]. Figure 2 Phytoextraction of Ni from contaminated soil There are some plants, called hyper-accumulators, which are capable of accumulating extremely large amount of metals especially nickel, zinc and copper[7]. These plants need to be either incinerated or composted to recycle the metal after have been used for some time[5]. Rhizofiltration It is the adsorption or precipitation onto plant root surfaces, or absorption into contaminants which present in the soil solution in the root zone. Although rhizofiltration looks similar with phytoextraction, the main function of rhizofiltration is to remediate the contaminated groundwater rather than the soil by removing inorganics and metals. The plants are first raised in greenhouses with their roots in water until a large root system has been completed. At this stage, the original water source is replaced by contaminated for acclimatization. Once the saturation of contaminants in the roots has been reached, the plants are harvested. In the study of removal ability, sunflower, Indian mustard, tobacco, corn and etc. have been used to investigate the removal of lead from water. Among those plants, sunflower has the greatest ability[5, 6]. Phytovolatilization This involves the uptake and transpiration of contaminants by plants, with release of the contaminants in vapour form to the atmosphere. It looks like a natural air-stripping pump system. This natural ability of volatilization enables the plants to volatilize the volatile organic compounds in parts of refinery site, vinyl chloride as well as inorganics and etc[6, 8]. Phytostabilization This process is to use plants for immobilizing contaminants in the soil and groundwater. The roots absorb and accumulate the contaminants, provide adsorption or precipitation within the rhizosphere (root zone) in order to reduce the mobility of contaminants. As contaminant migration to the groundwater or air has been minimized, the bioavailability for their entry into the food chain can be lowered. Metal-tolerant species can be used to restore vegetation to those metal-contaminated sites. Those species not only can decrease the potential migration of contaminants but also prevent the leaching of contaminants to groundwater[5]. Phytodegradation This is also called phytotransformation. It is the breakdown of contaminants through metabolic processes or the effect of constituents (e.g. enzymes) produced by the plants. The complex organic contaminants are degraded into simple molecules and these molecules are then incorporated into plant tissues[5]. Hydraulic Control Hydraulic control is employed by plant canopies on the control of water table and the soil field capacity. Phreatophytic trees and plants are commonly used due to the ability to transpire large amount of water and thereby influence the water balance at the site. The increased transpiration decreases the tendency of contaminants to move towards groundwater water or alleviates the migration of contaminants from the site in groundwater plumes[6]. There is something to be noted that trees must be rooted into a shallow water table aquifer in order to successfully prevent plume migration[9]. Rhizodegradation This is often referred to as phytostimulation or planted-assisted bioremediation/degradation. It can be achieved by breaking down the contaminants in the soil within the rhizosphere through microbial activities. During the microbial activities, organic contaminants such as fuels and solvents can be biodegraded by microorganisms into harmless products. The nutrients for the microorganisms are provided by the exudates produced by the plant[5]. 3. Major influencing factors (a) Soil composition and quality: Soils with high concentration of contaminants soils tends to have a poor physical conditioning which is not able to promote the growth of vegetation and rhizosphere microorganisms. Common limitations are the deficiencies in moisture-holding capacity, aeration, nutrient and permeability and so on. Thus, adjustments are required to improve the quality of soil before planting. A common adjustment is the amendment on pH of soil by adding sulphur or lime[9]. (b) Selection of plant: Plants are selected by taking the concerns of the target contaminants to be polluted and the remedial objectives for redevelopment such as time frame and risk management. Moreover, the climate for the plants to be adapted into is also very important. The ability of the plant acclimating to the soil and the depth of plants root structure also cannot be neglected. The selection and use of plant species must be done carefully in order to avoid the introduction of non-native species into the areas which are new to that species[10]. 4. Advantages Relatively low cost: Comparing with other treatment technologies such as thermal treatment, chemical extraction, some ex-situ technologies and so on, phytoremediation is relatively inexpensive as it only uses plants. [5, 11]. Besides, there is no extraction cost as it is an in-situ treatment. Safe and passive: Phytoremediation is driven by solar energy and there is no chemical usage Feasible for large varieties of contaminants: It can be used on the major contaminants produced in oil refinery-petroleum hydrocarbon as well as the other minor contaminants such as VOCs, TCE and even heavy metals and etc[12]. Mitigation of soil erosion: The establishment of vegetation can effectively improve the soil structure and resulting in reducing the soil erosion. Preventing migration of contaminants: Phytoremediation avoids excavation and transport of polluted media as the contaminants are destroyed in place. Therefore, it can lower the risk of spreading the contamination[13]. Aesthetically pleasing: The use of green plants can contribute a more eye-pleasing and natural green environment. 5. Disadvantages Relatively shallow clean-up of soil with low contaminant concentration: Treatment is limited to soils less than 1 m from surface for grasses, less than 3 m for shrubs, less than 6 m for deep-rooting trees and groundwater less than 3 m from the surface. Besides, it is not effective for contaminated site with high concentration [5, 14]. Slow process: The whole process is relatively slow compared with other technologies as three to five growing seasons are needed to achieve remediation goals[5]. Site specific and critical plant selection: The optimization of plant growth and the contaminants uptake depends on the characteristics of the site and the plant species that are selected[5]. Potential food chain contamination: Contaminants may enter the food chain through animals which eat the plants or borne fruits[14]. Production of residual waste: Using phytoremediation may relocate contaminants from the subsurface to the plant, thereby creating residual waste to be disposed of[5]. By looking at the features of phytoremediation in various aspects, we may find some drawbacks and limitations. Although the overall performance of phytoremediation is still not effective as soil vapor extraction and other technologies, its trade-off such as low cost, practicality and environmental-friendliness indicates that it can be a promising solution for remediation in oil refinery, especially in developing countries. Also, many studies on phytoremediation are still being carried out, so it can certainly be combined with a lot of technologies for future improvement and ultimately be widely applied in oil refineries all over the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Mayor of Casterbridge :: Free Essays Online

The Mayor of Casterbridge The Mayor of Casterbridge, which was subtitled The Life and Death of a Man of Character, was written by Thomas Hardy. The book’s main focus is â€Å"the spiritual and material career of Micheal Henchard, whose governing inclinations are tragically at war with each other† (Penguin Classics, Blurb). Henchard, in a fit of drunkenness, has decided to sell his wife and daughter at a fair. Afterwards, Henchard becomes a wealthy man and the mayor of the town Casterbridge. His wife and child seek him out years later. In the end, it is neither his supposed child, Elizebeth-Jane, nor his wife, Susan, who ruins him but his own self-destructive nature. The novel was published serially in the Graphic and in Harper’s Weekly. The Graphic was the English version and Harper’s Weekly was the American version. They ran concurrently over the nineteen-week period from January second to May fifteenth in the year of 1886. There were no major differences between the serial versions â€Å"except that for reasons of space Harper’s Weekly omitted some passages which were restored in later editions† (Norton Critical Edition, xiii). There were three hundred changes from the manuscript. Essentially, they were only minor â€Å"local† improvements. For example, in the Graphic the slang words â€Å"damn it† become â€Å"hang it†. It appears that the American Harper’s Weekly was not so worried about the novel’s usage of â€Å"inappropriate† language. There were various cancelled plotlines for The Mayor of Casterbridge. The â€Å"notes or plans Hardy had made for the novel before he began writing have not survived† (Norton Critical Edition, xiii). Therefore, there is a great interest in the manuscript as â€Å"evidence† of these ever-changing plotlines. The Norton Critical Editon of the novel says that through the various plotlines they deducted that â€Å"as Hardy began writing, large areas of the action were still to be decided: at one stage there were two be two daughters, one staying with Henchard, the other going with Susan and Newson† (xiii). Furthermore, â€Å"the Elizebeth-Jane of the opening chapters was not to die, so the figure we meet in the body of the novel was to be Henchard’s real daughter† (xiii). Hardy’s reasoning for the many plot changes was to â€Å"distribute the interest of the novel more evenly† (xiii).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Parachute after shower Hair Cream Introduction Parachute after shower hair cream for men, is a hair styling cream that can be used daily to style your hair. It has aqua moisturizers & since it is made in an oil-in-water emulsion, it is completely non-sticky. Parachute after shower hair cream contains coconut milk proteins which keeps hair nourished. The need for males to look good has never been more important. More and more males in India are realizing the importance of â€Å"great looking hair† & want a product that can be used to â€Å"style hair daily. † The reason why I use Parachute after shower?After shower hair cream was launched in Mumbai 2005. This hair cream was only meant for the younger generation who were looking for a product that would help them to â€Å"look the part† Everyday. The reason I use this product is it easily available in the market and It’s an Indian company this product is less expensive as compare to others. If any other prod uct rather then this would be â€Å"Brylcreem†. BRAND AMBASSADOR To drive the brand the company had signed on Cricketer Yuvraj Singh, as there new Brand Ambassador who brings in a refreshing change. He is a complete fit with the brand because he is young, stylish, dashing, and flamboyant.Competitors Looking at the growth of the product many companies have come in with different products to match with this hair cream. They have even introduced many hair oil products as anti dandruff which can smoothen the hair and style also. This comparison with oil and gel had led into a competition in the market. Brylcreem: – Brylcreem’s purpose is to keep combed hair in place while giving it a shine or gloss. It is an emulsion of water and mineral oil stabilized with beeswax. Other ingredients are fragrance, calcium hydroxide, BHT, dimethyl oxazolidine, magnesium sulfate, and stearic acid.This was the first anti dandruff gel made for men’s. Men’s youth used this gel to style their hair and this gel would give them an entirely different look. Himalaya Herbal anti-dandruff hair cream: – The use of this cream can be used on wet hair. It can be used as massage to the hair also but only a small portion should be used. Use regularly before and after shampooing. Suitable for all hair types. Safe to use on artificially colored or permed hair.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Management Planning Tyco Essay Essay Example

Management Planning Tyco Essay Essay Example Management Planning Tyco Essay Essay Management Planning Tyco Essay Essay Tyco is an international and expanded company that offers necessary manufactured goods and services to consumers in some market sections. These sections consist of Fire A ; Security. Healthcare. Electronicss. Plastics A ; Adhesives. and Engineered Products A ; Services. Recently. Tyco possesses immense net incomes and provides work for approximately hundred 1000 workers in the universe ( Verschoor. C. . 2006 ) . Fiscal statement and hard currency flows in Tyco are well-built. Legacy economic and legal issues in this company have been answered. They perform an first-class integrating of concerns in the market place in order to last in the highest standing. Tyco International Ltd. is spliting their organic structures into three independent companies ( â€Å"Tyco International to go 3 companies† . 2006 ) . It is the greatest method to let Tyco to carry through their complete capableness. Every separated company will be capable to attempt more quickly and more competitively. Finally. it will bring forth more significance for their investors as a consequence of executing the development approaches as independent companies. Previously. Tyco assessed a broad graduated table of their planned choices. affecting the care of Tyco’s recent working attack. trades of sole industries. and divider of the industries. Tyco assume that their strategic direction planning. which full of continual betterment and value devising. is the finest method to make good repute in the planetary competitory market ( â€Å"Tyco International to go 3 companies† . 2006 ) . In Tyco. consistence is the footing in the lead of their concern activities. The consumers. investors. spouses. and the societies where Tyco operate are looking frontward to reliable and ethical direction from them on a day-to-day footing. Tyco should continuously give accent to their dedication to keep their nucleus importance. Their dedication to the top values of dependability starts with promising that every individual. who gets through the Tyco Company. will acknowledge Tyco’s chief values. These values qualify how Tyco behave as workers and as directors ( Verschoor. C. . 2006 ) . Tyco be obliged to dispute their egos about the best rules of entity and concern dependability. Tyco ever try to keep the company resources. Tyco persistently contest with the other companies to develop their merchandises. concern activities. and their egos. Tyco invariably struggle to acknowledge the public concerns and ease them to carry through their aims. Tyco are committed to multiplicity. impartial behaviour. common value. and dependance. They promote an environment that supports modernisation. originality. and outcome by agencies of cooperation. Tyco perform direction that educates. motivates. and encourages complete part and calling betterment. They support valuable communicating and transmittal. Tyco wage testimonial to the confidences that they create. They hold entity answerability for every accomplishments and results. Tyco make a on the job ordinance of changeless development that is an indispensable component of their doctrine. Tyco attempt to apportion the answerability in some parts in order to make their values go a cardinal component of their industries. All of Tyco executives and staffs should be responsible to the chief rules of dependability and complete obeisance through the regulations and schemes that influence the public presentation of their concern activities ( â€Å"The Tyco Guide to Supplier Social Responsibility† . 2007 ) . It is the answerability of Tyco to do certain that the assets that are critical to the success of the company’s ends. Tyco has some attempts to carry through the success. such as using. go oning and developing their direction planning and progressing consumer satisfaction. All of these activities are recognized through the readying developments ( â€Å"The Tyco Guide to Supplier Social Responsibility† . 2007 ) . Normally. resource necessities are intended through the prediction process and attuned for the period of the twelvemonth in return to selling augmentation. net incomes schemes. capableness restraints. changing consumer necessities and another desires. Executive in Tyco should measure the sufficiency of resources and ordinances should be created rooted in recognized concern demands. Strategic planning that conducted by Tyco allows them to cut down disbursals while carry throughing consumer’s demand and acquire the most out of net income while finishing predicted demand. Normally. strategic planning picks are created by divide groups concerned on a elaborate portion of Tyco’s general program. For case. in a planned capableness prognosis survey. the merchandising unit investigates demand state of affairss and offers anticipations for approaching demand. Concurrently and unconnectedly. Tyco examines their scheme for capableness development and creates mentions ( Lofstrom. Erika ; Nevgi. Anne. 2007 ) . Management planning in Tyco must dwell of originative. theoretical and managerial facets. To turn up approaching inclination that is a chief rule of a direction planning. Tyco have to methodically acknowledge about their current standing. Therefore. the development of bettering a direction planning is supposed to consist an assessment of the company’s past public presentation and recent province of personal businesss. Tyco can diminish the chance of misconstruing that will weaken the efficiency of their efforts. by get downing in a direction program how the legal map is assumed to partake in its understanding and internal control efforts. The direction planning should carry on in the way of a Fuller understanding process and a more wide-ranging method to the country under treatment ( â€Å"Tyco International to go 3 companies† . 2006 ) . Management in Tyco has completed a superb duty of revolving their company all over the topographic point. Tyco’s determination to set their attempts on established chief merchandises. and to do more efficient their concerns. has placed them in a good manner for an net incomes to productiveness in this period. Management in Tyco takes portion in an indispensable map in the accommodation process. It is a really optimistic betterment for Tyco investors ( â€Å"The Tyco Guide to Supplier Social Responsibility† . 2007 ) . As a vigorous and stimulating company. Tyco have productive concern activity. Tyco provides a program that contains full direction of saving and developments of organisation to do best usage of operational competency. The direction planning includes some characteristics that able to back up organisation in conveying service to their client to all purposes and intents. Tyco implements good technique of guaranting their intensive battle to fulfill the clients. This method is appropriate for Tyco that has competitory employment agreements ( Lofstrom. Erika ; Nevgi. Anne. 2007 ) . In decision. Tyco has wide-ranging survey and assets and is invariably runing. Tyco is continuously bettering advanced merchandises. They ever try to make invention for presented and new merchandises. activities. sweetenings to presented activities. and customized machines. utensils or tools ( Verschoor. C. . 2006 ) . Mention: INTEGRITY EXCELLENCE TEAMWORK ACCOUNTABILITY. ( 2006 ) . Retrieved 7 April. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tyco. com/WWW/Documents/pdf/tyco_guide_to_ethical_conduct. pdf Lofstrom. Erika ; Nevgi. Anne. ( 2007 ) . From Strategic Planning to Meaningful Learning: Diverse Perspectives on the Development of Web-Based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Retrieved 7 April. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. eric. erectile dysfunction. gov Planing and Conducting a Functional Exercise. Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management. ( 2007 ) . Retrieved 7 April. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. eric. erectile dysfunction. gov The Tyco Guide to Supplier Social Responsibility. ( 2007 ) . Retrieved 7 April. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tyco. com/WWW/pdf/IntegrityBrochure. pdf Tyco International to go 3 companies. ( 2006 ) . Retrieved 7 April. 2007. from hypertext transfer protocol: //smallbusiness. yokel. com/r-article-a-11158-m-61-sc-100-tyco_international_to_become_3_companies-i Verschoor. C. ( 2006 ) .Tyco: an ethical metabolism. Strategic Finance